St. Luke's QC Sleep Center
Sleep Medicine
"Good day, our dear patients!
The current COVID-19 crisis has brought about major changes in our daily lives. In compliance with government policies on community quarantine, and for everyone’s safety, the SLMC-QC Comprehensive Sleep Disorders Center has set-up a telemedicine service - a system by which medical consults between the patient and the Sleep Specialist may be made via the internet.
• As consultations will now be done online, scheduling will be done on a BY APPOINTMENT basis only. In order to secure your preferred time slot, billing of fees must first be settled. This payment is NON-REFUNDABLE in order to avoid “no-shows”, which may deprive other patients of available time slots.
• On the day before your scheduled appointment, a reminder will be sent to you. Should you wish to change your appointment time, you may do so up to 5:00 PM of the day prior.
• On the day of your scheduled appointment, a link to the video call with our Sleep Specialist will be sent to you via email and/or text message.
• During your video call, you will need to be connected to the internet and log in to the link given. Please be on time.
• Our Sleep Specialist will conduct the clinical interview accompanied by a Sleep Medicine fellow.
• Please refrain from recording the conversation. Recording the consult in any form without the consent of the doctor is prohibited by law.
• Your medical records will be kept in a HIPAA compliant and DPA registered platform with data encryption. This EMR account will be shared among sleep doctors of St. Luke's Medical Center and your medical history will be accessed only by sleep doctors in the group.
• Apart from a clinical interview, our doctors will not be able to do a physical examination because of the remote set-up of telemedicine. In light of this, our doctors may also use the images seen on the monitor to reach a sound assessment. However, arrangements may be made to see you in person should our doctors deem it necessary to do so.
Should you wish to proceed with this teleconsult, you may proceed with the booking process.
Thank you very much, and let us all keep safe and healthy through these challenging times."
Step 1: Enter Patient Details
Type of Consultation
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Birth Date
Step 2: Enter Contact Details
Your Name
Your Relation to the Patient
Mobile Number
E-mail Address
Step 3: Review Declarations